
House Season 2

Everything we do is dictated by motive.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.1 - Acceptance

If there's not one yellow-belly in the group, then being brave doesn't have any meaning.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.2 - Autopsy

You see grace because you want to see grace.
You don't see grace because you won't go anywhere near her.
------ Dr. Gregory House, Dr. James Wilson, 2.2 - Autopsy

You can't believe everything is your fault unless you also believe you're all powerful.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.3 - Humpty Dumpty

The fact it doesn't fit your theory doesn't make it a lie.
------ Dr. Lisa Cuddy, 2.3 - Humpty Dumpty

Every minute that we refuse to love one another, another puppy cries another tear.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.4 - TB or Not TB

There's an evolutionary imperative why we give a crap about our family and friends. And there's an evolutionary imperative why we don't give a crap about anybody else. If we loved all people indiscriminately, we couldn't function.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.4 - TB or Not TB

Welcome to the world. Everyone's different, everyone gets treated different.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.4 - TB or Not TB

He thought he was dying. Dying people lie too.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.7 - Hunting

It's an anomaly. Anomalies bug me.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.10 - Failure To Communicate

Fear trumps anal every time.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.11 - Need To Know

Everyone's a tattletale.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.12 - Distractions

Everything in balance. Buddhists call it Karma, Christians call it the Golden Rule, Jews call it... I don't know.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.12 - Distractions

Universe always settles the score.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.12 - Distractions

If you're not prepared to look stupid, then nothing great is ever going to happen, right?
------ Henry Errington, 2.14 - Sex Kills

Everything sucks. Might as well find something to smile about.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.16 - Safe

You talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.19 - House vs. God

House, you are... as God made you.
------ Dr. James Wilson, 2.19 - House vs. God

Pain makes us make bad decisions. Fear of pain is almost as big a motivator.
------ Dr. Gregory House, 2.21 - Euphoria (2)