

Family is everything.
------ John Musgrave, Mission: Impossible III

You know, when you want something really bad, and you close your eyes, and you wish for it? God's the guy that ignores you.
------ McCord, The Island

Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
------ Truman Burbank, The Truman Show

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment.
------ Michael Corleone, The Godfather: Part III

You have a divine spark. You have a gift for bringing joy and laughter to the world.
------ God, Bruce Almighty


麒麟Kylin said...


^___________________^;.. ...

Big Big Smlie

xujinmao said...


匿名 said...

Haha, I remember that one in the Island, too. that was a funny one. by the way, I love Keanu Reeves and the matrix, too. such a complicated and smart and thrilling movie. and Keanu is so cute.